Saturn's Equal produces a collection of thoughtfully constructed zines that showcase niche interests in divination studies while tying pop culture, influential artists, and everyday life from a Mexican-American lens. Readers intrigued to learn more about astrology will find this content to be educational, empowering, and entertaining. The goal is to have every person walking away from all of this material with the desire to learn more and the ability to make their own astrological interpretations! "Through Saturn's Equal I produce a collection of thoughtfully constructed writing segments which are curated perfectly into zines. I showcase my interests within divination studies tying pop culture, influential artists, and everyday life from a Mexican-American lens. Readers intrigued to learn more about astrology will find my content to be educational, empowering, and entertaining.
Right now, I have 3 zines available for purchase. They're titled: "Aphrodite and I" and "Cosmic Vibes." "Aphrodite and I" is part of a 2-part series. The first part, which is currently available for purchase now, covers the first 6 astrological houses. It aims to identify what our Venus placement says about our style, self-expression, and even pick apart beauty standards and how they affect our society's pop culture. On the other hand, "Cosmic Vibes" comes in a 4-part series. It is divided into 4 parts to cover each element (Earth, Water, Air, and Fire) comfortably. The Earth and Water segments are available for purchase now. This segment dives into our Mercury and Moon placements and it encourages the reader to consider whether their interest to an artist is in fact due to an astrological connection. These segments are my top sellers. These zines are fun reads and they break down information so that it is easy for anyone to understand! Most of all, I love that I include artist suggestions along with names so that people can look at music differently." You can find more free content via Instagram by following @SaturnsEqual.
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